Dulverton Town Council (DTC)
Town Councils are the most unbureaucratic and the cheapest kind of local authority in existence and DTC is no exception. Member's political affiliations are their own personal concern and play no part in the day to day operations of the council or its meetings. Each year we set a budget sufficient to continue providing the current level of maintenance and services and we consider whether it is reasonable and prudent to expand what we provide, this budget determines the level of the annual Precept.
The Precept which gives us our funds is the smallest part of the Council Tax and we get no general government grant so we have little choice but to keep expenditure low and be economical. Our accounts are strictly and independently audited every year and every single payment that we make is listed in our council meeting minutes on this wesite every month.
We employ a Town Clerk who runs the council office, is the Responsible Finance Officer and who maintains all the records of the council's business.
DTC has an overall responsibility for the well-being of the local community. Our work falls into four main categories not necessarily in any strict order:
- representing the local community
- maintaining assets for the benefit of the community
- delivering services to meet local needs
- striving to improve quality of life in the town
DTC acts upon its own initiative from time to time but also maintains contacts with community groups, assisting whenever possible with experience, manpower, promotion and sometimes with monetary grants although our scope for the latter is limited. We are in continuous contact with both West Someset Council and Somerset County Council sometimes in support of their actions in our community and sometimes to actively oppose their proposals where these are considered detrimental.
Dulverton Town Council owns a number of sites in and around the town and the maintenance of these important facilities consumes a considerable amount of councillor time and public funds.
- The Sports Field in Millham Lane
- The Recreation Ground at Kings Corner
- The Recreation Ground at Barnsclose
- Exmoor Lawns
- Abbots Way Pond
- The Cemetery in Jury Road
- The Lion Stables Public Toilets (taken on in 2017 as West Somerset Council planned their closure)
In addition the Council has a legal responsibility to maintain the closed churchyard at All Saints although this remains the property of the church.
The Town Council members are all volunteers, no payment is received for any of the considerable time and effort that is expended on behalf of the town.
Your support is welcomed, please tell us where we are wrong and also where we are right. Find the time to attend the council meetings, there is an opportunity to speak as well as listen.