Committees - Dulverton Town Council 2022
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Committee meetings are held as required by business events. They are normally scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays and are held in the Council Office in Lady Street.
The Grounds Committee
is responsible for the maintenance of all of the green spaces owned by the Council including the cemetery as well as the All Saints churchyard.
click to see the members and minutes
The Town Management Committee
is responsible for the good appearance and general efficient operation of the town. Including litter, traffic and toilets. c
lick to see the members and minutes
The Planning Committee
is responsible for the consideration of planning applications from Exmoor National Park Authority and West Somerset Council that impact the town. c
lick to see the members and minutes
The Legal and Finance Committee
s responsibl
e for the annual precept, legal aspects of the council’s business, account’s review, council asset control and risk management.
click to see the members and minutes
The Policy, Procedures and HR Committee
is responsible for the formulation and review of the council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and other policies including staff matters. click to see the members and minutes
Working Groups
are responsible for various Town activities involving members of the community who are not Town Councillors. click to see the minutes
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